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--> Wonder about somehow contacting your sibling about the issue of getting in trouble.

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You know, maybe your SISTER could help you a lot with this MOTHER trouble.


You would hate to bug her, whatever she is up to. You and her haven't spoken in AGES. She is quite the ELLUSIVE individual when she wants to be, which is pretty much all of the time nowadays. Would she even respond if you messaged her? You highly doubt it, but you suppose it would be worth a shot regardless, considering her PROFICIENCY in the art of TROUBLEMAKERY.


You notice a new FRIEND REQUEST as you hop onto your computer and open FRIENDOS.


Oh god. It's that WEIRD GUY you talked to a couple minutes ago. You decide to let that REQUEST sit for now. You have more important BUSINESS to attend to.


Your sister's USERNAME is CorruptedRhythm.

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